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How I made $25,000 from one simple idea

How I made $25,000 from one simple idea

I love Australia Day. It's a time of celebrating what is great about Australia and being Australian.  It's a day brimming with Aussie pride. We are proud of our beaches, our sport stars and our mates.  We are proud of our children.  We are proud of...

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How to negotiate a win-win

How to negotiate a win-win

3 little secrets for successfully negotiating your next property deal Do you avoid conflict at all costs? Or do you like to play hard ball so that winner takes all? Have you ever wondered how it is possible for both parties in a negotiation to feel like they...

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The Pros and Cons of Renovating a Character Cottage

The Pros and Cons of Renovating a Character Cottage

The Pros and Cons of Renovating a Character Cottage A beautifully renovated weatherboard cottage can certainly pull on the heart strings.  It’s exciting to imagine these tired old houses being prodded and polished back to the sparkling beauty of their...

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4 Simple Tips to Confidently Renovate for Profit

4 Simple Tips to Confidently Renovate for Profit

4 Simple Tips That Will Give You the Confidence You Need to Renovate for Profit Have you ever wondered how professional renovators manage to find run-down properties in great suburbs and make a profit from renovating?  It can feel daunting when you’re...

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4 Steps for a Hassle-Free Paint Job

4 Steps for a Hassle-Free Paint Job

Painting your home can be the easiest way to add high impact to your home renovation. One of our clients recently bemoaned the state of her DIY renovation saying “my entire house needs renovating, inside and out, and I just don’t know where to...

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From trash to treasure

From trash to treasure

It's been such a long time since I last shared any renovation secrets with you! So it's high time to get our creative juices flowing again and have a look at some dramatic before and after photos... Over the last couple of years I've been busy...

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